Human Rights & Law interns campaigning in Tanzania

Law & Human Rights Internship in Tanzania for Teenagers

Support the human rights of women and children in East Africa

In sintesi

  • Work with local lawyers to prepare real legal cases
  • Empower women to defend their rights
  • Actively campaign while building skills for your future law career
  • Live with other teenagers in the vibrant city of Arusha
  • Volunteer Service Hours: 40
  • Download an itinerary for this project

Date di Inizio: 

Durante le vacanze scolastiche

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Durata Minima: 

Due settimane



Is Law & Human Rights in Tanzania right for me?

If you’re aged 15 to 18 with an interest in justice, then this Law & Human Rights High School Special is for you. Working with local lawyers, you’ll gain unbeatable experience to help you stand out in a competitive law career.

You’ll live with other teenagers in Arusha, a busy city surrounded by stunning scenery. Your role will be to campaign on some of East Africa’s most pressing issues: illiteracy, domestic violence, and the treatment of young people caught up in crime.

Preparing legal cases, conducting interviews, and attending court, you’ll gain real-world experience. You’ll be actively involved in improving rights in Tanzania. The knowledge and experience you gain will be invaluable.

We’ve partnered with TAWLA (the Tanzania Women Lawyers Association) to ensure this is a worthwhile experience. If you’re an ambitious student looking for the highest level of legal experience while helping vulnerable people, then look no further.

This internship runs on fixed dates during the school holidays – perfect for high school students. You’ll follow a set itinerary that helps you get the most from your time protecting human rights in Tanzania.

Women fighting for their rights in Tanzania

Prepare presentations and conduct interviews

This is a hands-on project, so prepare to get involved from the start. With the help of TAWLA and Projects Abroad staff, you’ll work on presentations on a chosen legal topic. This is a chance to increase your understanding and spread awareness to others.

You’ll present to schools, women in their homes, and a juvenile detention center.

You’ll also conduct interviews to help you get to know the people at the heart of legal cases. By meeting women and children caught up in the justice system, you’ll come to understand the human side of human rights.

These interviews will inform your work as you campaign for the rights of vulnerable people in Tanzania.

Write reports and legal opinion pieces

Within your first few days as a law intern in Arusha, you’ll be handed real case files. These will form the basis of reports and opinion pieces you will write. Your written work will help bring attention to these cases. You’ll play a key role in helping the public get to grips with the importance of human rights.

There is also a strong educational component to this project. You’ll learn about a range of topics from organic farming to the colonial history of Tanzania. This will inform your opinions and give you a well-rounded view of a culture different from your own.

Attend court hearings

If you want to work in law, it’s important to be exposed to legal systems. That’s why we’ll arrange court visits where you can observe legal disputes in real time.

The hearings you observe will depend on what cases are ongoing at the time of your visit. Whatever is being discussed, you’ll have a front-row seat to how courts, lawyers, and judges operate. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by both victims and defendants.

Where in Tanzania will I work?


You’ll be based in Arusha, a city in Tanzania at the foot of Mount Meru. Home to over 500,000 people, it has a buzzing city centre with colourful markets. The outskirts are less developed, with dirt roads and older buildings.

You’ll do your office work, like research and report writing, at the Projects Abroad Human Rights Office (PAHRO). The office is well-equipped and our staff are there to answer your questions. 

You’ll also do fieldwork in local communities. These areas will usually be more remote and rural. People here often lack access to legal advice.

We’ve partnered with TAWLA, a local women’s organisation. A lot of your time will be spent working with them. You’ll also have the opportunity to work in a juvenile detention centre.

Pick up all'aeroporto, voli e visti

Al tuo arrivo in aeroporto, un membro dello Staff di Projects Abroad sarà lì ad aspettarti. Per maggiori informazioni su arrivo, orientamento e visti visita la pagina Procedure di Arrivo per la Tanzania.

What are the aims and impact of this project?

We have long-term goals for all interns completing a Law & Human Rights Project.

We aim to:

  • Eradicate illiteracy in legal issues faced by women in the community
  • Empower women to fight against abuse and stand up for their rights
  • Create a better community with no abuse or violence

Of course, you won’t achieve all these goals alone. However, your impact will help us on our way to creating a society that is safe for women and children.

You’ll help empower women to protect themselves from harm. Your work will spread valuable ideas like respect and equality. This helps lower discrimination while increasing mental and physical wellbeing.

By engaging in the training we offer, you’ll become a confident global citizen. You’ll have the tools needed to help spread respect for human rights.

Teen interns meet local people in Tanzania

Piani di gestione

Nei Management Plans definiamo gli obiettivi dei nostri progetti. Questo è uno strumento importante per pianificare correttamente il lavoro dei nostri volontari. Inoltre, ci aiutano a misurare e valutare l'impatto e i risultati raggiunti ogni anno.

Grazie ai Management Plans possiamo migliorare i nostri progetti ogni giorno. Questo significa che, come volontario, entrerai a far parte di un programma che ha un un impatto reale dove è più necessario. Scopri di più sui nostri Management Plan.

Misurare il nostro impatto

Ogni anno, migliaia di giovani volontari che partecipano ai nostri Campi di Volontariato per Studenti delle Scuole Superiori fanno la differenza in tutto il mondo. Durante il loro periodo all’estero, contribuiscono al raggiungimento di obiettivi a lungo termine e ad avere un impatto positivo nelle comunità locali.

Per documentare i risultati raggiunti grazie al loro aiuto, elaboriamo un rapporto annuale chiamato High School Specials Impact Report. Scopri di più sull'impatto dei nostri progetti e leggi l'ultimo report.

Vitto e alloggio

Vivrai con una famiglia locale ad Arusha. Ti accoglieranno a casa loro e saranno felici di condividere con te la loro cultura e di scoprire la tua. Crediamo che questo sia il modo migliore per immergerti nella cultura della Tanzania e vivere un'esperienza veramente unica.

Nei nostri programmi per Studenti delle Scuole Superiori, cerchiamo sempre di accomodare nella stessa stanza due o più volontari dello stesso genere e di età simile. La tua stanza sarà modesta, ma confortevole, pulita e sicura.

La quota del programma include tre pasti al giorno.

Scopri di più sugli alloggi.

Sicurezza e supporto del nostro staff

La tua sicurezza è la nostra priorità. Adottiamo diverse procedure per darti il supporto di cui hai bisogno e per farti vivere il tuo viaggio all'estero senza pensieri. Lo Staff di Projects Abroad sarà sempre disponibile, 24 ore su 24, e ti aiuterà ad ambientarti a casa e all'interno del progetto. In caso di necessità, potrai contattarlo in qualsiasi momento.

Scopri di più sul Supporto e Sicurezza.

Al momento dell'iscrizione paghi solo un acconto di €295, che verrà dedotto dal prezzo finale.

Vorresti partecipare a più di un progetto? Chiamaci al +39 0810067162 per vedere se sono disponibili eventuali sconti.

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