A group of volunteers abroad spend an afternoon learning about Masaai culture in Tanzania, Africa.


Articoli sul volontariato all’estero, viaggi e novità su Projects Abroad

A large group of teenage Projects Abroad volunteers gather for a photo together in Peru

Di Projects Abroad 27 settembre 2024

The Ultimate Packing List for High School Volunteers
Preparing for a volunteering project abroad and want to make sure you have your essentials? This guide for secondary and high school students will help!

Di Sara M. 13 maggio 2022

Sara's Story: Part 5 - Public Health in Cambodia
Want to provide medical support to disadvantaged communities? Read Sara's story about public health volunteering abroad
Explore Thailand

Di Sara M. 12 maggio 2022

Sara's Story: Part 4 - Marine Conservation in Thailand
Want to scuba dive in Thailand? Read Sara's story about marine conservation volunteering abroad
Volunteers outside the newly built classroom in Ghana

Di Chris Mcvicker 28 febbraio 2022

Latest news from Ghana
Latest news from Ghana 2022

Di Sara Macdonald 03 febbraio 2022

Sara's Story: Part 3 - Teaching in Sri Lanka
Want to teach monks and children in Sri Lanka? Hear Sara's story of volunteering abroad for a year
Volunteers on the canopy walkway in the forest

Di Sara Macdonald 14 gennaio 2022

Sara's Story: Part 2 - Working with Animals in the Amazon Rainforest
Want to work with animals in Peru? Hear Sara's story of volunteering abroad for a year
Guadalajara, Mexico

Di Sara Macdonald 07 dicembre 2021

Sara's Story: Volunteering Abroad for a Year
Want to help migrants in Mexico? Hear Sara's story of volunteering abroad for a year

Di Greg Thomson 05 novembre 2021

Projects Abroad Declares a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency
Projects Abroad declares a Climate Emergency and we launch our Climate and Biodiversity Action Plan

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