Speech Therapy Internship

Speech Therapy Internship in Cambodia

Gain practical experience working on a Speech Therapy placement in Cambodia

In sintesi

  • Work with local staff to provide support to children with speech and language impairments.
  • Gain practical experience by assisting with or running therapy sessions with children.
  • Help to ensure disadvantaged children are able to access specialised care.

Date di Inizio: 

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Durata Minima: 

Due settimane


18 o più
You should have completed at least two years of speech therapy related studies or training.

Is a Speech Therapy Internship in Cambodia right for me?

Are you a speech therapy student or graduate? Looking to gain practical experience in a country different from your own? Want to enhance your CV with a unique, impactful work placement? If you answered yes, then this internship is ideal for you.

You will have the chance to help people while putting your knowledge into practice.

In order to join this internship, you need to have completed at least one year of speech therapy studies or training. This is because you will work independently at your placement. Speech Therapy is a new field of work in Cambodia, and there is great demand to learn Speech Therapy skills and techniques from interns.

Our start and end dates are flexible, so you can choose a time that suits you.

Support speech development

Your speech therapy work in Cambodia will focus on the following areas:

Assist with speech therapy sessions

You will conduct therapy sessions for children with speech impairments. This is a great way for you to gain hands-on experience. Some of the issues you will work on include cluttering, apraxia of speech, dysarthria, and articulation disorder. 

If you would like to bring toys with you, you are more than welcome to do so. These will be greatly beneficial for the patients you will work with. Good examples include:

  • Toys that light up or have music
  • Toys that involve fine motor skills such as pulling apart or piecing together
  • Tongue depressors
  • Bubbles
  • Balloons

Provide training for local staff

Local teachers and staff are eager to gain skills to support the children. They have had extremely limited training with Speech Therapy techniques and knowledge. You will help to provide training to these staff by organising workshops or simply sharing your knowledge. By improving the skills of the local staff, you’ll ensure that the children in their care benefit from the latest techniques, even after you have gone.

Keep track of children’s progress 

Monitoring the progress of the people we help ensures that we can track improvements and target problem areas. You will update an internal Database with the children’s latest developments. This also ensures continuity between interns, so that the next person can pick up where you leave off.

Support children in class

Apart from your speech therapy-related work, there is also plenty that goes on in the school. You may find yourself providing extra stimulation and interaction for the children. This may entail teaching them basic skills, such as maths or colouring in. You can assist in the classroom and also use the sensory room.

Where in Cambodia will I work?

Phnom Penh

All of our opportunities to do internships in Cambodia are based in Phnom Penh, a magnificent city along the banks of the Tonlé Sap and Mekong Rivers. With many historical sites that detail the events of the Khmer Rouge era, the city is definitely one for history enthusiasts.

Even with Cambodia’s history of war, the city is rapidly developing to keep up with an expanding population and growing tourism industry. In some places, it can be an intriguing mix of traditional and modern life. And, around every corner, your nose will be lead to some of the most delicious Cambodian food.

As you walk the streets, you’ll be greeted by saffron-clad monks, chaotic traffic, and some of the friendliest locals you’ll ever meet. You can spend time at the many Buddhist temples, sample delicious fish amok or Cambodian chicken curry, or visit one of the local markets and modern malls. And only a few hours away, lie the grand Angkor Wat Temples. 

Pick up all'aeroporto, voli e visti

Al tuo arrivo in aeroporto, un membro dello Staff di Projects Abroad sarà lì ad aspettarti. Per maggiori informazioni su arrivo, orientamento e visti visita la pagina Procedure di Arrivo per la Cambogia.

A typical day at my Speech Therapy placement in Cambodia

After breakfast, it’s time to head to work. You’ll travel to your placement via tuktuk. On your first day, our staff will be there to show you how to get there, and support you with your work. 

A typical working day runs from 8am - 4pm, Monday to Friday, with around two hours for lunch. 

You will spend your day working alongside local staff in classrooms and leading therapy sessions for children with speech impairments in a separate sensory room. There is space to be very proactive and independent on this internship, so use your initiative where you see fit.

There is also room to help with related tasks. These include teaching basic skills, helping with daily lessons, and training staff.

After the working day has come to a close, it’s time to enjoy all that Cambodia has to offer. Spend time getting to know your fellow interns and making new friends from around the world.

What are the aims and impact of this Speech Therapy project?

There are two main aims to this project: to provide you with an educational, practical internship and to improve the quality of specialised care available to disabled people.

Many of the interns who join us are looking for practical work experience in an international environment. We ensure that you are able to practice your skills and take part in a variety of related tasks for a well-rounded time abroad. You’ll take part in valuable cross-cultural exchange, sharing knowledge and ideas.

You will work with children to improve their speech, which in turn aids their sense of wellbeing and independence. You’ll act as an additional pair of hands in under-resourced institutions, ensuring that children receive dedicated and specialised care.

We have identified several core goals for our medical work in Cambodia. These include:

  • Improving hygiene standards
  • Improving the quality of overall healthcare to patients
  • Improving the quality of specialised healthcare available to patients
  • Improving access to basic healthcare for disadvantaged groups
  • Promoting the exchange of medical knowledge

Join us as an intern and gain speech therapy work experience in Cambodia. This will allow you to prepare for your future career, while helping those who can benefit from your training.

Piani di gestione

Nei Management Plans definiamo gli obiettivi dei nostri progetti. Questo è uno strumento importante per pianificare correttamente il lavoro dei nostri volontari. Inoltre, ci aiutano a misurare e valutare l'impatto e i risultati raggiunti ogni anno.

Grazie ai Management Plans possiamo migliorare i nostri progetti ogni giorno. Questo significa che, come volontario, entrerai a far parte di un programma che ha un un impatto reale dove è più necessario. Scopri di più sui nostri Management Plan.

Misurare il nostro impatto

Ogni anno, definiamo degli obiettivi specifici per ogni progetto e ci impegnamo per avere un impatto sostenibile e a lungo termine in ogni Paese. Ogni volontario e stagista contribuisce al raggiungimento di questi obiettivi, indipendentemente dalla durata del loro progetto.

Per documentare i progressi e i risultati raggiunti, elaboriamo un report annuale chiamato Global Impact Report. Scopri di più sui risultati raggiunti dai volontari, stagisti e dallo Staff di Projects Abroad. Leggi l'ultimo report.

Vitto e alloggio

Condividerai l'alloggio con gli altri volontari e stagisti di Projects Abroad a a Phnom Penh. Questa è una bella opportunità per conoscere meglio volontari da tutto il mondo, condividere esperienze ed esplorare i dintorni insieme durante il tempo libero. Il tuo alloggio sarà sicuro, pulito e confortevole.

La quota del programma include tre pasti al giorno.

Scopri di più sugli alloggi.

Attività nel tempo libero

Esplora la Cambogia e scopri le vibranti città, agli incredibili scenari e siti storici. Questo Paese ha molto da offrire durante il tempo libero.

Non perderti i templi nei pressi di Siem Reap, in particolare il magnifico Angkor Wat. Avventurarsi tra i templi nascosti dalla giungla ti farà sentire come un vero e proprio Indiana Jones!

La Cambogia non offre solo questo. Potrai fare trekking nella giungla o snorkeling e avvistare i delfini nei mari che circondano Sihanoukville. Per un pomeriggio più rilassato, potrai trascorrere il tempo su una delle splendide spiagge.

Sicurezza e supporto del nostro staff

La tua sicurezza è la nostra priorità. Adottiamo diverse procedure per darti il supporto di cui hai bisogno e per farti vivere il tuo viaggio all'estero senza pensieri. Lo Staff di Projects Abroad sarà sempre disponibile, 24 ore su 24, e ti aiuterà ad ambientarti a casa e all'interno del progetto. In caso di necessità, potrai contattarlo in qualsiasi momento.

Scopri di più sul Supporto e Sicurezza.

Al momento dell'iscrizione paghi solo un acconto di €295, che verrà dedotto dal prezzo finale.

Vorresti partecipare a più di un progetto? Chiamaci al +39 0810067162 per vedere se sono disponibili eventuali sconti.

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